Thank you for purchasing and playing the game!
For bug reports & missing translation, please leave a comment, and I’ll respond as soon as possible. P
lease note that I may not be able to fully reply to questions already addressed by FAQ, comments that could contain spoilers, requests to manipulate the game story, and any other inquiries unrelated to the game or beyond the developer's capabilities. 

The FAQ will be continuously updated to address frequently asked questions.

1. How far can I play in Part 1?

In PART 1, you can progress up to Day 6 (Saturday) or a hypnosis depth of 20%. The next story will continue in the next patch. The save file containing the parameters of your progress so far will be compatible with the next patch, so please ensure it is safely stored. If purchasing the game in parts feels inconvenient, I kindly ask for your patience and recommend waiting until the full version is released to make your all-in-one purchase. 

2. Why is re-downloading of part 1 file required later?

The Part 1 file contains the original game engines that control the basic execution and overall storyline of the game. Accordingly, the content of these original files will also be updated as future parts are developed. As the new part may not be compatible with the previous version, please ensure you keep the credentials for re-downloading. The developer is not responsible for the loss of credentials caused by the user's responsibilities (e.g. user account deletion). Also, the developer does not support user inquiries without a valid purchase record.

3. How many parts are planned? When is the next update?

The game is under development and currently planned to have 4+ parts. The release date for the next update is not yet decided, but I will work on it continously. Your support would be greatly appreciated and motivating! 

Please follow my Fanbox for the latest news and updates. 

4. What are the differences between the version sold on Itch and other versions?

No graphical censorship applied to Itch version (as of Dec 2024). All other game contents are the same and compatible across platforms. Updates will be also consistently made across all platforms (some platforms require pre-screening may be slightly delayed). If you plan to purchase the entire series, I highly recommend buying all the volumes from the same platform for your purchase consistency and continuity.

5. The game doesn’t run.

There have been a few reports of Ren’Py failing to launch due to conflicts with other programs on individual PCs. Demo play is recommended before purchasing. If the demo runs smoothly, the full version should work as well. 

Multiple test runs confirmed the game runs okay on Windows 10 and 11 64-bit systems. Developer will not support issues from individual PC configurations, as well as any troubles caused by files downloaded from unverified sources or user modifications to the original game files.

6. Are there plans to support additional languages?

Currently, the game supports Japanese and English. Depending on the situations, some additional language patches may become available in the future. Contact me for more information.

7. "Windows Protected Your PC" blue screen shows up.

This shows as Microsoft recognizes an application as unrecognized. If unwanted, you can change your security configuration at your risk (Google Search). The game files uploaded to Itch were tested for viruses or malware. Developer is not responsible for any damage to your PC caused by files downloaded from unverified sources other than the official sales platforms.

8. Are there versions for Mac/Android?

There is no plan to export game to Mac ver. Developer is not a Mac user, so there is no sufficient test circumstances for the development. Also, the game will not be exported to mobile version due to game asset & interface modification problems.

9. Game texts are displayed in a language other than the selected one.

If you change the language during gameplay, some text may temporarily appear in the previously selected language. In this case, select preferred language, then re-launch the game for cache reset. Text image files are not translated.

10. How do I move my old save files to new game file folder?

Save files are stored in the "/games/saves" folder. You can copy and paste your old save files (including all files such as the persistent file and JSON files) into the new saves folder. The "saves" folder will not be visible when you first unzip the new game file, but it will be automatically created when you launch the game for the first time. However, make sure the game launcher is completely closed before transferring save files. If you transfer save files while the game is running, the "persistent" file might be overwritten with the new game's empty progress, erasing your progression records, including collected replay records.

11. Game freezes when restoring window position from secondary monitors (Link)

A technical issue has been reported where the game window freezes when attempting to restore the game on a secondary monitor. Since this appears to be an issue with the Ren'Py engine itself, I kindly ask users to apply the following temporary solution (setting main monitor as target monitor) to resolve the problem. I will update this section when the technical solution is found later.  
Link: Google Search

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